Scott Gruber's microblog

Dangerous Women: From Antiquity to Pop Culture - Getty360 Calendar at the Getty

Open Access Developer Tools - Smithsonian Institution

Users can access the Smithsonian’s collection data made by Smithsonian staff since 1846 via a GitHub repository. Detailed documentation is available along with the data formatted in .JSON. #SmithsonianOpenAccess

Tightrope — Americans Reaching for Hope by Sheryl WuDunn and Nicholas Kristoff a booktalk at the LA Public Library. #dtla

Search Results for “trees” – Brain Pickings Face the coming year with the steady serenity of a tree — that supreme lover of light, always reaching both higher and deeper, rooted in a network of kinship and ringed by a more patient view of time. @brainpickings

Wangari Maathai — Marching with Trees - The On Being Project The late Wangari Maathai was a biologist, environmentalist, and the first African woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize.

I believe therefore I’m right. Listening to Fantasyland audiobook

Kurt Andersen - Fantasyland

From the start, our ultra-individualism was attached to epic dreams and epic fantasies—every citizen was free to believe absolutely anything, or to pretend to be absolutely anybody. Little by little, and then more quickly in the last several decades, the American invent-your-own-reality legacy of the Enlightenment superseded its more sober, rational, and empirical parts.

Book your flight to LA to join me at Catacon, the convention with Cattitude. “It’s Meow or Never.” 😸 CatCon

The Voyage of Captain DaCosta – A Digital Narrative

The amazing story of a 16th century African Portuguese sailor who commanded a trade expedition to Japan. Amazing story site created by @senongo

The Voyage of Captain DaCosta - Senongo Akpem Excellent project brief and design by @senongo

Layout 07 of 52 is about Hawaii and Tahiti cultural connections. Inspired by @SIRENEjournal a beautiful magazine tailored for those who feel close to the sea even when they are far away from it.…

UX Workshops vs. Meetings: What’s the Difference?

Meetings are for sharing information; workshops are for solving a problem or reaching an actionable goal.

day 16: Chinese Elm

Day 16 Chinese elm #mbfp

Day 15: Balance. Bridge in Xitou Mountain. Taichong, Taiwan #mbfeb

Miles Davis’ classic album Kind of Blue recorded back in 1959 sounds fresh. Dig it baby.

School of Music and inverted fountain @ucla

Plain finches are beautiful.

Sign of the times? Arlington West on Santa Monica beach. #mbfeb

Dolphin swimming at Santa Monica pier

Print to Web #06

Layout #06 is from an amazing book on Andy Warhol’s commercial magazine work. Warhol worked throughout the 50s with art directors Alexey Brodovitch, Henry Wolf, Bea Feitler & Ruth Ansel. I purchased a used copy over the weekend. Each of the layouts give me an opportunity to practice using the CSS Grid and other modern CSS layout properties.

Photographer and model in the LA arts district.

Topanga Canyon state park

Connecting to the IndieWeb

I’m gonna give a push to using my micro blog this year.